Boogie Babes Bradford is also available for Children's Centre, Nursery, Pre-school, Community Centre, Nursing Home or other event bookings! All bookings are charged at £50 for the hour, with an introductory offer of buy two get one free on your first booking! Take a look at the benefits of Boogie Babes Bradford below and do get in touch for more information or to book in now!
22 - 36 months:
Expressive Art and Deign; Exploring using media and materials:
Joins in singing favourite songs.
Creates sounds by banging, shaking, tapping or blowing.
Shows an interest in the way musical instruments sound.
Communication and language; Listening and attention:
Shows interest in play with sounds, songs and rhymes.
30 - 50 months:
Expressive Art and Design; Being imaginative:
Developing preference for forms of expression.
Uses movement to express feelings.
Creates movement in response to music.
Sings to self and makes up simple songs.
Makes up rhythms.
Noticing what adults do, imitating what is observed and then doing it spontaneously when the adult is not there.
Expressive Art and Design; Exploring and using media and materials:
Enjoys joining in with dancing and ring games.
Sings a few familiar songs.
Beginning to move rhythmically.
Imitates movement in response to music.
Taps out simple repeated rhythms.
Explores and learns how sounds can be changed.
Communication and Language; Understanding:
Shows understanding of prepositions such as 'under', 'on top', 'behind' by carrying out an action.